睡美人 童話故事(中英文對照)
A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen .They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.
睡美人 童話故事(中英文對照)
A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen .They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.
飯鍋Cooking pot/Rice cooker
The cooking pot is a crafting station used to make the Bowl of Soup.
An artist has sparked a debate about what women's skirt lengths say about the wearer.
1.Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small; it inflames the great. (Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer)
原為古希伯來名,意思是 最初的歡樂 或 歡樂之本 .在聖經撒母爾記上篇第二十五章中,講到了一位早期名叫abigale的人的故事.在這個故事之中,她是一位聰明、美麗的女人.她有過人的智慧和謀略.因而,她後來成了以色列大衛王的妻子.
Billboard Top 30(美國告示牌英文歌曲排行榜)
01. Someone Like You-Adelle
I heard that you're settled down聽說你已定下來
That you found a girl and you're married now.找到了一個女孩,現在結婚了
I feel a little bit homesick. I want to take a home leave and be with my family for a week.
jack (n.)/ (v.) jacket (n.) jade (n.) jail (n.)/ (v.)
jam (1) (n.) jam (2) (v.)/ (n.) janitor (n.) January/Jan. (n.) jar (n.) jasmine (n.) jaw (n.)/ (v.) jaywalk (v.) jazz (n.)/ (v.) jealous (adj.) jealousy (n.) jeans (n.) jeep (n.) jeer (v.)/ (n.) jelly (n.) jet (n.)/ (v.) jewel (n.) jewelry (n.) jingle (n.)/ (v.) job (n.) jog (v.)/ (n.) join (v.)/ (n.) joint (n.)/ (adj.)/ (v.) joke (n.)/ (v.) jolly (adj.)/(adv.)/(v.)/ (n.) journal (n.) journalism (n.) journalist (n.) journey (n.)/ (v.) joy (n.) joyful (adj.) joyous (adj.) judge (1) (n.) judge(ment/ judgment) (2) (v.)/(n.) jug (n.)/ (v.) juice (n.) juicy (adj.) July/Jul. (n.) jump (v.)/ (n.)
1. Talk about who you know and what you have in common. Mutual friends, bosses, hometowns, etc.