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萬大露 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


1.African expeditionary bomb flew over a land of orient Libya Wednesday, descending digit bombs on an area mostly dominated by the opposition.

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Thank you for being my friend and being around

Teaching me the meaning of love

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華爾街日報報導中共首艘航母試航,讀者投書電子版留言高達500多則,其中有許多視為酸葡萄(sour grapes),有人視為凶兆(the crack of doom),但也有主張放棄台灣,作為賠償中國國債,以為綏靖。

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(CNN) -- NBA star Yao Ming announced his retirement during a news conference in China on Wednesday.

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龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill (2011)

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