英國廣播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation),簡稱,是英國的一家政府資助但卻獨立運作的媒體,長久以來一直被認為是全球最受尊敬的媒體之一。
BBC除了是一家在全球擁有高知名度的媒體,還提供其他各種服務,包括書籍出版、報刊、英語教學、交響樂團和互聯網新聞服務。 目前經營10個電視頻道和個電臺調頻,及直接由英國政府出資經營以43種語言作全球廣播。
What would be your ideal trip?你的理想旅行是做什麼呢?One man said the best thing is having the luxury of nothing to do…
“Working Abroad” is for those of you who've always wanted to get out of your chairs and go and do something else instead.
The A handbag belonging to the former British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, was sold for US$ 40,000 at a charity auction in London.
美國之音(the Voice of America broadcast) 是美國的對外國際廣播電台,總部在美國華盛頓,它是透過短波廣播,而非國內大家慣用的的FM播出,所以如果你有短波收音機,是可以嘗試收聽得到,一般收音機則是收不到的。
Professor Mokdad says the reason is Americans have made less progress in reducing problems like obesity and high blood pressure.
The popularity of hockey in the United States is growing. Games like the Winter Classic, which are played outdoors on New Year’s Day, have helped increase interest in hockey.
台北國際社區廣播電台 (ICRT - International Community Radio Taipei) 於 1979 年 4 月 16 日午夜正式開始營運廣播。其前身為駐台美軍廣播電台 (AFNT - Armed Forces Network Taiwan)。
Taiwan's largest mobile phone maker-HTC has left two workers dead and several other injured. The other six are said to have suffered varying degrees of injury ... with at least one serious.
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NBA star Yao Ming announced his retirement during a news conference in China on Wednesday.
I need to make a personal decision, Yao said.
Looking back on his decade as Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt said the company should have focused more on connecting people -- a hole that allowed the emergence of rival internet giant Facebook.
Helen:And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows. 海倫:而且我們的參展團隊已經準備好參加各個電腦展。
Lester:Good. What about print and radio? 雷斯特:很好。那麼平面媒體和廣播呢?
Helen:We've taken out full-page ads with two large trade magazines. 海倫:我們已經在兩家大型的商業雜誌上刊登了全版廣告。
John:I don't know what to wear today, dear.
Mary:Why are you being so fussy about your clothes today?
John:I'm going to have an important interview.
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擬真發音 - 我們的例句及對話都提供發音,讓您立刻開口說英文!
情境會話 - 您可以學習或者自建實用的情境對話!
今日會話 -
愛德華 Hello, is this the hotel service center?
Edward 您好,飯店服務台嗎?
職員 Yes, it is. What is wrong? You sound upset.
Employee 是的,什麼事?您聲音聽起來有點急。
愛德華 Yes! I'm stuck in the elevator.
Edward 是很急啊。我被困在電梯裡了。
- 英文聽力測驗 - Robbin Williams
請寫出Robbin Williams在唱歌唱到一半的時候,跟聽眾互動時講的句子。
教練 First, you should learn how to breathe in and out. Trainer 首先,你要學會如何吸氣和呼氣。
珍 It's too difficult. The water irritates my throat.
Jane 太難了。我要嗆到了。
I do yoga every morning to start my day, and I'm going to give you six poses that's part of my morning routine every day.
An oil slick in the North Sea is threatening the lives of wildlife, say. It is expected that up to 90,000 birds could die as a result of the 120,000 liter spill.
Views - Couch Surfing
Couch surfing is a fairly new website, and what it does is it allows travelers from different parts of the world to meet people in the destinations they're going to.
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