(一) 依據高中課程綱要,評量高中生英語聽力學習之成效。
(二) 落實英語課綱聽、說、讀、寫能力並重之內涵。
(三) 評量學生日常生活及課堂學習相關英語之聽力。
(四) 提供各大學校院招生選才之參考。
(一) 測驗範圍:普通高級中學必修科目「英文」課程綱要一至四學期及選修科目「英語聽講」課程綱要。
(二) 題型:依據測驗目標設計,評量考生對詞彙、句子、對話、篇章的聽解能力。題型
分為四種(如下表),全部為四選一的選擇題,共40 題。
除「對答」為單題、「短文聽解」為題組外,「看圖辨義」與「簡短對話」皆含單題及題組試題。測驗內容涵蓋生活化、實用性主題,情境包括校園、家庭、公共場所、社交等,並著重日常生活之溝通功能。詞彙範圍以高中英文常用4,500 字詞為主,可參考本中心高中英文參考詞彙表第一至四級1。
Look at the picture A. What are the boys doing?
(A) They’re singing.
(B) They’re watching TV.
(C) They’re playing basketball.
(D) They’re reading the newspaper.
For Questions 1 and 2, please look at Picture B.
Question 1. Where are these people?
(A) They’re in a city park.
(B) They’re in a classroom.
(C) They’re in a restaurant.
(D) They’re in a movie theater.
Question 2. How many children are there in the
(A) Two.
(B) Three.
(C) Four.
(D) Five.
Woman: I’d love to help, but I’ve got to go over
to my aunt’s house in a minute.
Question. Which is true about the man?
For Questions 3 and 4, you will listen to a short conversation.
Woman: So, John, tell me, what do you guys in Canada do on Christmas Day? What do
you eat? When do you open the gifts?
Man: Well, Anita, the routine in Canada for Christmas is quite simple. The kids get
very excited on the 25th because early in the morning, at around seven
o’clock, that’s when we open the gifts.
Woman: Oh, really?
Man: That’s right. But that’s not the most exciting part of the day.
Woman: Oh, it’s not? What is then?
Man: The food is.
Woman: The food?
Man: Yes, and it’s the most exciting part of the day.
Question 3. What time of day do Canadians open Christmas gifts?
Question 4. What is the most exciting event for Canadians on Christmas Day?
(A) It brings nothing but good business.
(B) It is one of the greatest achievements of
(C) It has caused problems for people living in
the neighborhood.
(D) It is a good example of how recycling
works for the community.
Questions 5 and 6 are based on the following report.
Woman: Wonderland is perhaps the most popular vacation spot for families. It attracts
tourists and provides jobs for the local residents in its hotels and shopping
malls. But now it is called “the tragic kingdom.” The neighbors suffer from
traffic jams that last for miles and it takes hours to park the car. Empty cans,
bottles and garbage are everywhere. The whole place is becoming polluted.
Most of all, prices of goods are skyrocketing. People pay more for living here.
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