
The Men in Black are back, and this time Agent J (Will Smith) must take a trip into the past in order to save both the future and his taciturn partner Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) in the third installment of the hit sci-fi comedy series. After 15 years of working with aliens from all across the cosmos, Agent J is sure he's seen it all. But just when he's getting the hang of the game, he learns that history has inexplicably been rewritten. In this new timeline of events, Agent K has been dead for 40 years, and Earth will soon come under attack from an extraterrestrial force with the power to claim the entire planet. Now, in order to set the past straight and head off an invasion of epic proportions, Agent J must travel back to the year 1969, when Young Agent K (Josh Brolin) was just a fresh new face on the force. But Agent J only has 24 hours to find the source of the coming catastrophe and discern how his longtime partner ties into the situation -- should he fail he'll be stuck in the past forever.

星際戰警重返江湖!在這部賣座科幻片第三集裡,J特務(威爾史密斯 飾)要利用時光旅行回到過去以拯救未來---還有他那省話一哥的搭擋特務K(湯米李瓊斯 飾)。十五年下來和所有來自外太空的外星人相處經歷,讓特務J認為他甚麼世面都見過了,然而正當他如魚得水之際,整個歷史以他無法解釋的方式將要被改寫。在這條新出現的時間軸裡,特務K已死了40年,而地球將遭受極具毀滅力的外星力量攻擊。現在,為了把歷史導回正軌,阻止這場入侵戰爭,他必須回到1969年,亦正值年輕的特務K(喬許布洛林 飾)還只是MIB菜鳥的時候。特務J只有24小時找出來臨災難的原因,並且認清他這位老搭檔到底是怎麼被捲進這個狀況中---只要一個環節出錯他將被永遠被困在過去。




Jeffrey Price: [Hands J a device] Here, take this, and all you have to do is jump. 

[把裝置遞給J] 來,拿著,然後你跳就行了

Agent J: You want me to jump? 


Jeffrey Price: Time jump!


Agent K: I promised the secrets of the universe, nothing more. 


Agent J: [on phone] Well, what other secrets are there? 




Agent J: All right, pay attention... 

[neuralyzes a crowd] 

好啦~大家請注意這邊… (啟動記憶重置光)

Agent J: Okay. You know how you kids won the goldfish in that little baggy at the school fair, and you didn't want that nasty thing in your house so you flushed it down the toilet? Well, this's what happened... 

[points to an alien fish towed away]

OK, 你們這些小鬼都有在學校校慶贏到小金魚,然後不想養在自己家裡所以倒進馬桶沖掉的經驗對吧? 好吧,你看看牠們現在都變成甚麼樣子了







什麼是 臺灣教育?- 維基百科



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